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Letter Of Commitment


Institutions should have ideals just like individuals. However, it is inevitable that a system built on ideals that only have a counterpart in the bank will get out of control. Many processes have been disrupted by the understanding of winning at all costs, and unfortunately this has become one of the biggest problems of the period we live in.

Institutions should have ideals, just like individuals. However, it is inevitable that a system built on ideals that only have a counterpart in the bank will get out of control. Many processes have been disrupted by the understanding of winning at all costs, and unfortunately this has become one of the biggest problems of the time we live in.

While producing; being environmentally conscious, taking responsibility for one's own waste, Our main values ​​are to ensure the motivation of the people we employ, to be excited about making profit for our country while exporting, and most importantly, to rest our heads comfortably with the feeling that the product we produce will be a solution to the basic needs of humanity.

Finally, we spend a reasonable portion of our earnings in our country or abroad, which will not hinder our own growth. Using it as a cure for a problem of people living anywhere in the world or of the nature that gives life to those people, crowns the dedication shown while producing.

Private or legal entities that base their lives on this philosophy are not the ones creating problems in the world, but the ones solving the problems. They take their place. The happiest family, the best citizen, the most successful manager and the individuals who enlighten those around them with their presence will only emerge from people who have digested this approach.

İbrahim MİRMAHMUTOĞULLARI Chairman of the Board


R&D Origin

1st-class raw material

1st Class Raw Material


High technology